The Xevan algorithm used by BitSend (BSD) has finally recieved a GPU miner for Nvidia-based mining rigs with the ccMiner fork by krnlx (source). Unfortunately for the moment the code of the miner only compiled and works under Linux, though hopefully soon things will be ironed out and a Windows version will also be available. For a Xevan AMD GPU miner check this older fork of sgminer available for both Windows and Linux OS with precompiled binaries. The Xevan algorithm is essentially a dual X17 with 128 bit headers, but it wasn’t that easy to implement apparently or there weren’t enough incentive up until now apparently.

The ccMiner fork from krnlx is reported to provide 3.3+ MHS on Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 and around 6 MHS on Nvidia GeForce GTX 10880 Ti GPUs according to the author. Owners of Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 mining rigs are advised to set the intensity manually in order to have the miner work properly with their hardware, GTX 1070 and GTX 1080 Ti should work fine with the default intensity of 20. If you are interested in how the Windows version is coming, then you might want to check out the official thread about the miner on Bitcointalk.

Check out the announcement thread for the ccMiner fork with Xevan support on Bitcointalk here…

Source and More information: New ccMiner Fork With Xevan Algorithm Support Is Available Now
