Bitcoin & Crypto News

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Tips for Investors How to Protect Yourselves Against Possible Fraud Schemes

n n n n Cointelegraph has collected the SEC recommendations for ICO investors and compiled a comprehensive list of the most important tips.n

If Bitcoin Goes Mainstream, Will Ransomware Go Mainstream Too

n n n n Mainstream adoption of Bitcoin as a payment method could embolden criminals to use it to their own ends.n

Op Ed Planning an ICO in Canada Here are 10 Regulatory Points to Ponder

Canadas securities regulators are paying attention to ICOs. Last week they released a guidance document that explains their approach to token sales/ICOs/ITOs/crowdsales, officially titled CSA Staff Notice 46-307 Cryptocurrency Offerings. Here is what this notice means and what it doesnt… Continue Reading →

The Biggest ICOs Overview

n n n n The cryptocurrency ICO market has attracted interest from all angles in the financial space. Here, we look at the biggest ICOs.n

Neo-Nazi Bitcoin Transactions Made Public by Twitter Bot

n n n n In the wake of the chaos of the Charlottesville attack, one Twitter Bot is taking matters into its own hands by publishing transactions made by known neo-Nazi BTC wallets.n

Bitcoin So High Above The Bubbles They Can’t Be Seen

n n n n Bitcoins growth has been likened to other bubbles, but in truth, it is so much bigger than anything we have ever seen.n

Kik $125 mln ICO Aims To Become First Mainstream Crypto Adoption

n n n n Canadian social messaging platform Kiks messaging platform token Kin aims to be the worlds first mainstream adoption case for crypto.n

China Regulators Visit Coinbase, Others To Discuss Significant Crypto Issues

n n n n China and the US are collaborating on regulatory approaches to Blockchain as a delegation visits Coinbase, Ripple and more.n

How Banks And Fintech Startups Redefine Finance

n n n n Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Royal Bank of Scotland and many more are setting their eyes on fintech. What does fintechs future look liken

Bitcoin Going Away Is Delusional Thinking Finance Advisor To Investors

n n n n Bitcoin disappearing from the investment radar is delusional prominent analystn

Why Miners Are Mining Bitcoin Cash and Losing Money Doing It

Jimmy Song takes a look at developments on the bitcoin cash blockchain, arguing it’s providing evidence of shifting miner behavior.

WhopperCoin Burger King Russia Launches Blockchain Loyalty Program

Burger King meets blockchain as the fast-food chain’s Russian branch is set to launch a new cryptocurrency-based loyalty program.

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Ripple, Litecoin Price Analysis, August 29

n n n n The latest price review on top 5 cryptocurrencies.n

VR Needs Blockchain to Solve Copyright Issues Interview with Cappasity Founder

n n n sponsoredn Cappasity is providing a Blockchain solution for AR/VR users and creators to create and monetize new 3D content.n

How Digital Currency Transfers Work, Explained

n n n n A quick guide in how Blockchain-based transfer systems work and why they are better than traditional ones.n

Radio Host Raises $50k in Dash and Bitcoin to Help Hurricane Victims

n n n n $50K in BTC and Dash are donated to help Hurricane Harvey Victimsn

Bitcoin Price Analysis Watching World Events and Three Pushes to a High

BTC-USD is up 160 in the 6 weeks since it last bottomed out at around $1800. The $2850 growth marks the sixth week in a row of new highs and aggressive bull runs as bitcoin sits upon its current all-time… Continue Reading →

$160 Billion Cryptocurrency Market Sets New All-Time High

Investment in cryptocurrencies continues apace, with the market setting a notable new high today for total investment.

Reports China’s Regulators Consider Suspending All ICOs

Reports from China suggest regulators may be close to taking action against entrepreneurs seeking to launch domestic token sales.

Luxembourg Regulators Issue Investor Warning Against OneCoin Scheme

Regulators in Luxembourg have released a warning about OneCoin, becoming the latest country to air concerns over the investment scheme.

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